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Fluid Mechanics lectures:




1. Physical hydrodynamics: Oxford publications

     4-Authors: E. Guyon, J.P Hulin, L. Petit, C.D Mitescu,


2. Fluid Mechanics : Elsevier publications.

    Authors: P. Kundu, I.Cohen, D. Dowling.


3. David Tong Lectures



Week -1

Lec-1         Lec-2A       Lec-2B       Lec 3

            Fluid mech applications, examples fluid flow.

                 Fluid Dyn. Laws :  just a solution of 3 PDEs ?!!?

                Fluid element, Knudsen number, Mathematical preliminaries

                Viscous vs. convective transport of mass, momentum,energy              


Lec-1        Lec-2        Lec-3         Lec4

          Kinematics:  Eulerian/Lagrange reference frames


              Stream-Path-Streak lines.

              Velocity grad tensor =>

  ( symmetric + anti-symmetric -> vol. change + deviatoric + rotational)

              Large and small deformation,

              Conservation of mass eqn., incompressible flow (div. V=0)

              Stream function for various kinds of flow.


Week-3 (Euler flows)

Lec-1  Lec-2      Lec3

Mass conservation equation.

Momentum Conservation equation, Momentum current

Euler equation for inviscid flows.

Bernoullis eqn for ideal flows. What is vorticity ? Vorticity equation.

Do all circular flow have vorticity ?

When  are Euler flows valid or relevant ?

Does Planar shear flow or Couette flow have vorticity ?

Velocity potential for planar/ source/ sink/ dipole flows.

Vortex flow, Flow around (spinning) cylinder or sphere, Magnus force.


QUIZ on 14th Sept, 2022


Week-4 (mass and momentum eqn: Navier Stokes)

  Lec-1      Lec-2     

Stress tensor properties,

Expressing stress tensor in terms of  : pressure terms +

         deviatoric + dilation  parts of the vel. gradient tensor

Navier Stokes equation

Properties of viscosity are different for liquid and for gas.


section 3.6 onwards



Week-5  ( Navier Stokes to Stokes, Reynolds number)

Lec-1        Lec-2      

Lec1: Bernouli eqn valid for STEADY (no explicit time dependence) of  flows along streamline.


Brief intro to boundary layer,

Momentum diffusion and feel of  other numbers.


Week-6  (Incompressible flows and Boussinesq apprx, microscopic origins of viscosity and conductivity, dimensionaless numbers characterizing flows)

Lec-1        Lec-2        Lec-3         Lec4


Week-7  (low Reynolds number flows)

Lec-1        Lec-2        Lec-3         Lec4


Week-8  (compressible flow)

Lec-1        Lec-2        Lec-3         Lec4


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