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Current PhD Students

Dr. Debarshi Mitra: 
(Congratulations: Syntalk medal & $50K (!) awarded for your Ph.D thesis)


iPhD -2016, joined group in 2019, defended thesis in 2023


Current research:


    q. Transient Helix formation in semiflexible polymers by repulsive interactions.



     b. Mechanism of Helix formation on contraction of a  colloidal-chain in bad solvent conditions. : published ACS-Nano (2021).    


    c. Why is the helical motif so ubiquitous in nature ? What is the simple principle that the helix forms spontaneously at length scales of cm to nm?


email :   <>



Emergence of long range interactions (micron scales) starting out from short range attractive hydrophobic attractions at nm length scales.



APS-2022 TALK (12 minutes): Bacterial chromosome segregation & organization using polymer models


Modelling Multi-fork replication under fast growth conditions : modeling  experiments reported  in


B. Youngren, H.J. Nielsen, S. Jun, S.Austin;

Genes and Dev., (2014).


doi: 10.1101/gad.231050.113


Om   Vandra :  iPhD student, joined 2021

Movies from Om's work on active Matter.
Active + passive matter mixtures

Shailesh Sathe : PhD student, joined 2023
Entropy driven segregation, organization  of bacterial  chromosomes (topologically modified polymers): Langevin dyn.

Movies and results from Shailesh' work.

Kingkini Roychoudhuri : PhD student, joining 2024
organization and dynamics of multiple chromosomes inside a nucleus ( multiple topologically modified polymers inside a sphere)

Movies from Kingkini's MS thesis work done in Apratim Chatterji group.

a. Somesh Kurhatti:  (MS Thesis) ;  (Ph.D University of Stuttgart, Germany.)

Modelling nano-particle sponges :   (Rod like Nano-particles enmeshed in  polymer gels  creating a porous micro-structure. These can be made by artificial methods, but bones and cartileges are  naturally occurring examples.


1. Flexible polymer : 100 monomers, kappa=100  (LJ units), Langevin.

2. Flexible polymers: Langevin: 100 monomers: but 4 chains.

3. Semiflexible polymer: 100 monomers, Bending Energy  eps_b=100, kappa=100 (LJ), Langevin

3a. Semi-Flexible polymer (same as above) but MD simulations:  C-of-Mass position unchanged.

4. Semiflexible polymer: 100 monomers, Bending en: 100, 4 Chains, Langevin.

5. Equilibration of Rod like polymers: NPT simulations

6.Dense Rod like polymers :  NVT simulations : shows nematic order developing.

7. Conformations of 4 ring polymers: 


Active matter simulations incorporating hydrodynamics (in collaboration with Vijay Chikkadi who is doing experiments with active matter in IISER-Pune. (PhD : Forschungszentrum, Juelich, Germany)

Nishant Baruah : MS thesis defense talk.

Nishant  MS -Thesis
Current BS-MS Project Students (2022-2023 and 2023-2024):
1. Somesh Kurhatti        ( polymer nano-composites)
2. Sanjay Bhandarkar (emergent organization in topologically modified  polymers &
                                          project -2 : polymer nano-composites)
3. Adrian Pinto  (Active matter hydrodynamics)

4. Shreyash Nadigar   ( pre-designed pearl necklace polymer collapse)
5. Shridhar Shanbag  ( DNA: Arc-2, Arc-2-2 polymers confined in sphere)
6. Indrakanty Shashank (DNA  polymers confined in a sphere)

7. Suhal Siva Ratan   ( GPU parallization of active matter and DNA coes)
8. Vaibhav Chaturvedi ( dynamic of topologically modified polymer :DNA)
9. Kingkini Roychoudhury : IISER Berhampur
                                    ( miscibility and organization of DNA-polymers)

Previous PhD/project students.

Devanshu Sinha

I-Ph.D. Physics

Joined Aug 2015, submitted Masters thesis in 2019.


During my MS I built a physical model and carried out extensive computer simulations to study biomechanical properties of Hydra (one of the earliest living organism to develop systematic locomotion). For my PhD I am interested in studying properties of polymers under confined under fluctuating surfaces. 


Devanshu Thesis


Tejal Agarwal

I-Ph.D. Physics

Joined Aug 2014, Submitted PhD thesis: 2019.


I work on the 3D organization of Bacterial chromosomes using statistical physics principles and coarse-grained polymer models.


visited UC-San Diego for 6 months in 2019.

Thesis defense in July, 2020:  Youtube link




Mubeena Shaikh

Ph.D. Physics

Joined Aug 2010

Submitted in 2019, Defense in Nov 2019.


post doc in Weizmann, Israel since 2019.


I am interested in the hierarchical self-assembly of Micelles and Nanoparticles. 

Alex Abraham:

IISER MS-project and project assistant 2017-2018.

Since 2015-2018 with a years gap in between.


I am interested in the self assembly of linear semiflexible polymeric chains using spherically symmetric potentials.


PhD position in Italy since 2019.

Past Members

1.  Shikha Prakash (Post-Doc, Ph.D. IIT BHU 2010-2011)

      Project: Electrophoresis of Charged Colloids


2.  Dhairyashil Ghatage (Project student, Jan-May 2011, joined and completed in PhD in IISc Bangalore)

     Project:  Modelling extensional flow and complex fluids in extensional flow.


3.  Ashish Kumar (Project student, Summer 2011)

     Project:   Identifying shear bands in sheared Star-polymers.


4.  Kiruthiga Jagdeeshan (Project student, summer 2012 and 2013) (currently in IISc, Bangalore for PhD)

     Project: Flow in nano-channels and growth of ordered nano-structures


5.  Shibananda Das (5th year BS-MS IISER Pune, 2013-2014)

      PhD in Research Center-Juelich, Germany. Post doc: Cornell Uni, U Mass, Amherst, USA

     Project:  Dynamics of confined systems with Fluctuating boundaries (cell-membranes ?)


6.  Indrajit Wadgaonkar (2014-2016) (currently in NTU, Singapore)

     Project: Network formation and gelation in Telechelic Star Polymers


7. Advait Ashirwad  Thatte

a. Time evolution of bead-spring polymers models of protein collapse. 

(Phd position offer from Uni Edinburgh, UK, finally joining Uni. Ausburg, Germany)


8. Anasuya Karmakar:

Stat mech of DNA-Polymers (special topology) confined in cylinder.


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