Physics of Life
Soft and Living Matter Group
Lecture Notes on Glass transition by Prof. Alexey Lyulin.
27. Experimental Lab course : Phys Lab-1: PH 1123 (Aug 2022 - Dec 2022)
Fluid Mechanics course with P. Subramanian (Aug 2022 - Dec 2022)
26. Phy 453 Computational Physics (4 credits) (Jan 2022-May-2022)
25. Phy 453 : Computational physics with P.Ghosh (Aug 2021- Dec-2021)
Soft Matter course: Polymer phys with Vijay Chikkadi (Aug2021-Dec-2021).
24. Teaching break (Jan-May-2021)
23. Phy 453 Computational Physics ( August-December 2020).
Soft Matter course: Polymer phys with Vijay Chikkadi (Aug2020-Dec-2020).
22. Phy 322: Statistical Physics 1 (January April -2020 - June 2020 (covid year).
21. Phy 453 Computational Physics (Aug Nov, 2019)
20. Experimental Methods BS-MS 3rd year (shared with Shivprasad Patil, Arijit Bhattacharyay) (Jan-April, 2019
19. Phy453 Computational Physics with P. Ghosh (Aug-Nov 2018)
18. PHY222 Physics Lab III (Jan to April 2018).
17. Phy 453 Computational Physics with Sreejit G. J. (Aug-Dec 2017)
16. Phy-453 Computational Physics with P. Ghosh. (Aug-Dec 2016)
15. Phy 465 Soft Matter Phys. (Local coordinator) lectures by K. Guruswamy (Aug-Dec 2016)
14. Phy-121 1st year Undergraduate Lab (Jan-April 2016)
13. Phy-453 Computational Physics with P. Ghosh (Aug-Dec 2015)
12. Phy-320 Modern Physics Lab (Jan-April 2015)
11. Phy-453 Computational Physics with P. Ghosh (Aug-Dec-2014)
10. Phy-222 Modern Physics Lab (Jan-April 2014)
9. Phy-222 Modern Physics Lab (Jan-April 2013)
8. IDC-206 Mathematical Methods (Aug-Dec 2012)
7. Phy-322 Statistical Physics (Jan-April 2012)
6. IDC-206 Mathematical Methods (Aug-Dec 2011)
5. Phy-322 Statistical Physics (Jan-April 2011)
4. Phy-312 Electrodynamics -1 (Aug-Dec 2010)
3. Phy-322 Statistical Physics (Jan-April 2010)